TEMPLE Prambanan Prambanan This temple is very famous and is also a temple of Java's most spectacular temple, or more precisely, which is very complex. Located in the Prambanan district in the border between Yogyakarta and Surakarta (17 km east of Yogyakarta, 40 km west of Surakarta)
Krakal Beach To Krakal to the beach, you should be through Woodend, the capital of Gunungkidul district, approximately 38 kilometers from Yogyakarta. Road mountains that zigzag now paved. Krakal is located approximately 21 km from Woodend, 7 km to the east branch of the road to the Baron.
Loka Zoo delighted AVAILABLE LOKA This zoo is located at 4 km east from the central Post Office. Means happy and delighted Loka means the place. It is expected that the people who visit there can be happy. This place is not far from the city down, with a carriage ride or a rickshaw.
source: id.wikipwdia.org