Jambi is a province of Indonesia, located in the eastern coastal areas in the middle of Sumatra Island. Jambi is also the name of a city in this province, the city is the provincial capital. Jambi is one of three provinces in the Indonesian capital that it named respective provinces, in addition to Bengkulu and Gorontalo. Walking 10 kilometers from the capital city of Kerinci regency, Full River, can be found the location of tourism resources Semerup hot water. Come Semerup source of hot water with more than 500 degrees Celsius. At the edge of the pond water is hot, we can boil eggs or bananas cooked until just a few minutes in the tempo. The content of sulfur in the water can also be trusted cure various diseases. Not less with the Kerinci regency, Jambi city can also become a tourist options in there. One Batanghari River, the river that makes the city of Jambi. As well as with the Kerinci Lake, the river is one of the local community. Based on history, a native of Dumaguete consists of various tribes. Among the tribes of the Child or the Kubu tribe, tribe Kerinci, Jambi and Tribal Malay. But at Century 18 or 19, an area shaped Kalamáta Islamic empire, which includes one of the ancient culture of Experience. Not surprisingly, the inherent culture of citizens Jambi is the harmony between Islam and underwear. Although the culture of Islam and do the very viscous, in Jambi, there are relics of the area where people worship the Buddha, about 30 kilometers from the city of Jambi. Muara Jambi temple complex, the name. That there is a temple complex in the district of Marosebo, Muaro Jambi district, were found first in 1820. In this area, there are 80 temples, nine of the major temples. It seems not afdol tour if not enjoy local food specialties. In Newfoundland, many manner of food into the characteristic region. One of the famous curry is tempoyak. This curry-based durian fruit and fish. The price of food is not cheap realtif. One porsinya only around Rp 5,000 to Rp 10 thousand. There is one thing if the tour, namely, the purchase by the special area. One of Jambi batik. Batik typical Jambi were brought from Java, Muhibat Hajj by the family in 1857. Besides batik, travelers can also purchase by traveling the form of food and crafts typical of Jambi. Usually cenderamata area in Jalan Sudirman, Dumaguete City. In this area, we can find a special food Kaset, in the form of the Kerinci dodol potatoes, cinnamon syrup, and lempok - dodol from durian. Muara Jambi temple site Location in the district of Muara Jambi Sebo District Muaro. It is an archaeological area of exposure in Indonesia and Southeast Asia that dihamparan wide 2002.5 hectares of land. In addition, the diversity of artifacts, Muara Jambi temple have advantages compared to temples to another. There are 8 (Eight) temple fruit in various forms and sizes, among others: the temple gumpung, high, stone twin, gedong, kedaton, Koto mahligai, astano, beehive, and the temple bay and dozens of other temples that have not been renovated. In this area also found canals, which encircle the monument and the river and do the Batanghari connected to the river. National Park There are in 4 locations namely: 1) Kerinci Seblat National Park (TNKS), 2) National Park Berbak (TNB), 3) Bukit Tigapuluh National Park (TNBT), 4) Park Hill Nasioanal twelve (TNBD) with a broad selurunhnya about 669,130 ha . Fourth National park has the potential location and different as the flora, fauna, panoramic and others. Batanghari River Is the longest river in Sumatra, which is about 1.700km. This river from Lake disgorge top and bottom of the lake Sumatara West outskirts of the city pass through Jambi and bermuala in the Berhala Strait, China Sea Selatan.Para tourists can cross the river by using pompong while enjoying the scenery along the river. One of the many locations around the region is Tanggo Rajo. This area each afternoon until evening visited many masyaerakat Jambi and immigrants. Enjoy a variety of food and while enjoying the beauty of the river Batanghari is one attraction of this place. Museum of the People's Struggle Jambi Located in the streets and roads of Sultan Agung Slamet Riyadi. The shape of the museum building is a fusion between traditional style houses and modern architecture Jambi. This collection of museums such as weapons and modern equipment that is a traditional war; keris, swords, badik, spear, pakain war, headgear, communications equipment and armament are used for religious people to oppose the colonial Jambi. Besides, there is a replica of the aircraft Catalina RI 005. Kerinci Regency Is one of the district in Jambi Province, which has a variety of attractions. Conditions are relatively cold region at the foot of Mount Kerinci, the spread of green tea gardens, and beautiful natural scenery is a charm apart from the Kerinci regency. In addition to rich agricultural and plantation, Kerinci also have special food that is dodol potatoes, syrup and cinnamon tea, typical of Kerinci (tea kayoe aroe). Some of the objects in Kerinci tourism, among others: 1) Lake Kerinci, 2) water Telun Berasap, 3) Bukit Kayangan, 4) Mount Kerinci, and 5) Object tourism hot water.
source: id.wikipedia.org
source: id.wikipedia.org