In 2004, the breadth is about 740 km ² and a total of 8,792,000 of the population lives [2]. Jakarta with a metropolitan population of around Jabotabek with 23 million inhabitants is the largest city in Indonesia or the order of the world's sixth
Monas - Located at the junction Merdekan, National Monument, or called the Monas area, which is very known in the city. With 122 m high, Monas decorated with a torch as a symbol of freedom that dialpisi dnegan pure gold as 35 kg. Equipped with elevators to the top of the monument and from there visitors can witness the scenic city. Basic room painted the history of the national museum. Hall, in silence, visitors can mendenganrkan original voice in the Bung Karno read the proclamation of independence of Indonesia. Near the monument, there is a statue of Prince Diponegoro above the horse. Heroes of this war against the Netherlands in Java (1925-1930). After penangkapannya, he was not necessarily the city hall in Batavia to be removed before the North Sulawesi.
Monas open every day from 08.00 - 17.00.
Monas open every day from 08.00 - 17.00.
Keong Mas - near the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) Jakrta, you can find a theater giant conch-shaped gold in the atmosphere, a cinema, theater, which was launched in the three-dimensional display, called the Keong Mas. This place is recorded as the largest theater in the world.
TMII open every day 08:00 - 21:00.
Fantasy World - amusement park is located in the north Ancol, or presents the bazaar and a traditional market in some parts of the city. Jakarta is very solid and live and enough to make you busy.
TMII open every day 08:00 - 21:00.
Fantasy World - amusement park is located in the north Ancol, or presents the bazaar and a traditional market in some parts of the city. Jakarta is very solid and live and enough to make you busy.
Thousand island - the island chain north of Bangkok popular with Kepualauan thousand. Besides the scenery of the islands (there are more than 300 islands didekatnya), the island offers shelter as a gateway Jakarta. In this beautiful island that you can enjoy all kinds of water sports activities such as diving, snorkelling, jet-skiing, or an alternative malasan sit all day and play in panatai white sand. Debris - debris stronghold Dutch and Portuguese you can still find on the island.
Sea World - There are more than 5,000 species of tropical species from the vast ocean, the sea is the world's largest marine aquarium in the Far East. Through the "World fresh water" or adventure in the world of micro sea. Swimming, which can be touched this allows you to experience the life of the sea. Film about the world under the sea to play regularly.
Open every day 09:00 hrs - 20:00
Open every day 09:00 hrs - 20:00
source: id.wikipedia.org