Ujung Kulon National Park
Ujung Kulon is one of the national parks and nature conservation sites in the world. In this location, we can see the beauty of tropical forests. Rhino is one bercula primadona charm of this location. If we are patient enough, we may be able to see. This location consists of several small islands, some of which are islands Peucang, Handeuleum, Panaitan, and mountain Honje. Characteristic of this national park is a place berkembangbiaknya role as various types of protected animals, such as the Javanese rhinoceros, deer, in the, bison, primate, wild boar, wildcat, lemur, and various species of birds. This area can be achieved through the village Panimbangan roads or through the sea with the boat toward the island Peucang, Handeuleum, or Panaitan island. Ujung Kulon is equipped with various means of telecommunication network, electricity and clean water. Tourism facilities such as accommodation, information centers, tour guide, and transportation facilities have also been available. UNESCO has stated that the area of Ujung Kulon is the world's natural reserve sites.
Anyer beach
Anyer beach is one of the objects tour of the famous sea of Banten. Anyer beach edge to provide coolness for its visitors. Some water sports can also be done here, such as Wind surfing, jetsky, banana speed Boating, Boating and other traditional. Each year, in this area, fishing competitions held in the Sunda strait. Another attraction of Anyer beach is the enchantment of the lighthouse is located at the edge of the road that links to various tourist beach area. Lighthouse Anyer in the village of Chicken Tampa, about 35 km from the city of Serang, built in 1885. The object of this tour is equipped with facilities hotels, restaurants and home stay.
Carita Beach
Carita Beach has a beautiful natural panorama, a sloping beach with small waves. Along the coast, often held various tourism attractions such as the Tour of Krakatau. Most of the beaches and bungalows filled villa owned by individuals. Facilities roads leading to the location of a country road and provincial roads. This area is also equipped with a network of telecommunications, electricity, clean water and adequate.
Coral Beach pierced
Coral Beach precisely located around 50 km from Serang, or approximately 140 kilometers from Jakarta on the main road Anyer, Carita. In this area, there is a coral reef with a large hole in the middle of a cave, which face directly into the sea off. Hole is likely caused by the eruption of Mount Krakatau in the year 1883. At the top of the coral reef where there are enough to make observations and there are also small forest rest while enjoying the scenery of high seas.
Beach Sawarna
Sawarna located in the coastal district Bayah, Lebak. This beach has a unique compared to other beaches in Banten, the atmosphere is still the natural beaches sloping surface, and the water is clear. The length of the coast reached 65 km, which is decorated by stone and white sand. In villages around the coast, there are tourism and lodging houses, the nuances of nature. For the location of the beach, we can through the city Risalpur, Lebak, or Portrush. When Jakarta, we can presume one of two routes of transportation, namely Jakarta, Serang-Malingping-Bayah-Sawarna, or Jakarta-pot-Maja-Newtonhill-Malingping-Bayah-Sawarna. From Bayah to Sawarna can use the transportation ojeg.
Cape coast mortar
Beach has a panorama of beautiful, natural, white sand and coral that is unique. The atmosphere and conditions of the area of tourism Pandeglang district is suitable for water sports activities (snorkelling, diving, and jetsky). In the north of Cape mortar is a hilly region that is not so steep. Here are the part that protrudes into the sea coasts as lakes and establish 12 hectares wide with a depth of 5 m and with the calm water conditions. For the location, we can through country roads and provincial roads are smooth. Area tourism is already equipped with infrastructure facilities and adequate support, such as telecommunication network services with facilities overseas and international telecommunications, electricity and water utilities.
Two Island / Bird Island
The main attraction of this area is the natural beauty of the sea coral cluster form, various types of fish, and of course various types of birds. This area is about 30 ha. Each year between April and August, the island is visited by the thousands of birds from 60 species originating from various countries. Around forty thousand birds flying from the continent of Australia, Asia, and Africa. Two islands can be achieved with traditional boat or boat motor in 15 to 30 minutes through Paddy Field area Luhur, Kasemen. In this area, the facilities available to electricity, telecommunications, and water.
Island hermit
Island hermit has a wide around 5 ha, and is located in the area of tourism objects Pandeglang beach, near the tourist area of Cape mortar. Area tourism is managed by a private company that provides various recreational facilities and entertainment that attract. On the island, there are resorts that were with the touch of artistic nature, equipped with meeting rooms, cafe, spa, business center, sunset lounge, beach club, swimming pool and so forth. In addition, the available sports facilities and recreational water, Jogging track, cross country, tennis, karaoke places, and others. We can go to the islands this with relatively easily. Company managers of this area to provide rental cars from Bangkok to the island, or can also be achieved from the area of Ujung Kulon.
Mount Karakatau
Mount Krakatau, located in the Sunda strait is one of the most famous mountain in the world, because of the tremendous letusannya in the year 1883. Voters explosion was heard up to the continent of Australia, even heat clouds shroud some areas of Europe during the week. Tremendous explosion of Krakatau mountain and children formed the mountain now known as the Son of Krakatau, which appears on the surface to 1,928 years old and until now still active. Located in the Sunda strait, the area of natural tourism is easily accessible from Anyer beach-article about one hour by using a motorboat. Location of this tour offers a tour of nature such as camping, walking, fishing, natural scenery and the beautiful sea.
Rawadano located in Serang district, and a distance of 101 km from Jakarta. This area is the area that is dominated by wetlands, there is also a lake. This area around 2,500 hectares covered by the various types of trees. The island became a place for a nest various types of reptiles, like snakes and crocodiles. No less than 250 species of birds living in this area. We can achieve this through three channels, namely;
• Jakarta - Gisborne - Anyer - Rawaadano,
• Jakarta - Serang - Padarincang - Rawadano, and
• Jakarta - Serang - Anyer - Cinangka - Padarincang - Rawadano.
source: id.wikipedia.org