Kepulauan Riau is a province in
Overall, the Riau Islands Region consists of 4 and District 2 City, 47 Sub-district and 274 village / village of 2,408 islands with a number of large and small, where 30% and has not yet named. The broad area of 252,601 Km2, where about 95% - it is the ocean and only about 5% of the land area.
Tours in Batam Island
1. Batam View Resort
It is an alternative place of recreation and golf courses in the area Nongsa. There are some activities done by each resort, golf course, marina and visits to attract tourists, among others, the Singapore Straits Regatta, racing display at the international level.
2. Golf Course
There are currently 6 international golf, namely: Tering Bay Golf & Country Club, Palm Springs Golf & Beach Resort, Puri Indah Golf & Resort, Paradise Bay Golf & Resort, Southlinks Golf & Country Club, Tamarin Santana Golf & Country Golf .
3. Barelang Bridge
For public services, all of the islands main road connecting the trans Barelang which include six jebatan large, namely: Tengku Fisabilillah bridges, Nara Lion Bridge II, King of Bridge Ali Hajj, Bridges Sultan Zainal Abidin, Tuanku Tambusai Bridge, and the King of the Small Bridge.
4. Nagoya
Visitors who have business and shopping destination, most choose to occupy the area of Nagoya and Live. In this also available berbintan hotels and entertainment venues.
5. Bintan
Angsana Resort & Spa Bintan, besides that, there is also a golf course.
6. Batamindo Industrial Area
Is one of the industry in the area of the Yellow Front - BATAM. Currently, the number of industries that are in this area about 80 industries.
Tourism in the Natuna Island
1. Cape coast
Tanjung is located in the coastal village of Tando, 18 kilometers or 30 minutes from the city Ranai become one destination for the residents of Subdistrict Bunguran East. Cape coast can be used to swim with the views of the beach is the South China Sea and Senoa Island is a small island located in Cape Coast, which has a 5 km2 with a wide distance using speed boat less than 20 minutes from the capital Subdistrict.
2. Stone Sindu
Sindu stone is located about 2 kilometers from the city Ranai Subdistrict Bunguran East. This location can be reached by land vehicles
3. The coast
The beach is located in the district of Serasan is a coastal district in the Natuna less than 7 kilometers and have known for white sand.
4. Water generations
Water generations is located approximately 4 kilometers from the capital Siantan Subdistrict. This waterfall have 7 level with the height of 100 meters from the surface of the sea and empty into the sea.
5. Coastal Padang restless
Padang Beach is located in the district of restless Jemaja long beach with less than 7 kilometers and is known as the white sand
6. Coral Reef Islands in the Anambas
Anambas Islands coral reefs have a very good and the potential for the development of nautical tourism, diving and Tennis Courts.
Island Tours in Penyengat
The island is still included in the group of Riau Islands has an area of 3.5 kilometers wide. This island hills, the land consists of sand mixed with gravel, while the sloping beach, muddy and supplemented by coral reefs. In between the island and Penyengat Tanjungpinang there is a passage width of about 1.5 kilometers, which can be reached by boat or motor boat, which called pompong.
Previously, the island is faced with the Rhode River estuary is always a dismissal of the sailors, especially for fresh water. Perhaps, the sailors are taking this kind of bees attacked mentioned wasp fall victim to the soul. These insects are considered sacred and the island called Pulau Penyengat and Indra Sakti. In further development of this island better known as the Island until Penyengat now.
Witness the island's history, berkecamuknya recorded during the war between the Kingdom of the Netherlands Riau (1782-1794 M), Island Penyengat be important stronghold. The king Dipertuan Muda Haji Riau IV (termashyur with the degree of King Haji Syahid Fisabilillah Marhum Bay Hamilton) led war with the Netherlands, bunker-establish bastion Kingdom Penyengat in Riau, namely in Bukit Penggawa, Bukit Tengah and Bukit seats. This fortresses equipped with a cannon-gun in various sizes.
In the days of the Sultan Mahmud Syah (1761-1812 M), when he married the daughter of King do Shri Haji Syahid Fisabilillah around 1,801 years old M, the island is submitted to the permaisurinya as dowry or dowry. Island Penyengat role is very important in the historical Kingdom of Riau, so that the island is relatively small this become famous and attract attention. In addition, there are still magazine warehouses, fortresses and trenches defense, in this island Penyengat there are still things historical past.
For example, the Kingdom of the heritage of Malay Riau-Lingga form of the remaining buildings Palace of the Sultan of Riau-Lingga, the tomb of King Ali Haji of Riau Malay Pujangga with famous Gurindamnya, the tomb of King Ja'far, and others. In the Penyengat Masjid Raya Island, which was built in 1882, there were also some historical collections such as the holy Al-Qur'an written and hands full of antique carved pulpit.
If you want a more refreshing landscaping, the eyes can be diverted to other object that is more interesting. As the scenery is quite beautiful, good at the beach or in the hills. You can also see the traditional villages of the population, Central Traditional arts and attractions. Island Penyengat not difficult to reach. It is near the city Tanjungpinang and transportation facilities that smoothly, giving it easy for you to visit
1. Batam View Resort
It is an alternative place of recreation and golf courses in the area Nongsa. There are some activities done by each resort, golf course, marina and visits to attract tourists, among others, the Singapore Straits Regatta, racing display at the international level.
2. Golf Course
There are currently 6 international golf, namely: Tering Bay Golf & Country Club, Palm Springs Golf & Beach Resort, Puri Indah Golf & Resort, Paradise Bay Golf & Resort, Southlinks Golf & Country Club, Tamarin Santana Golf & Country Golf .
3. Barelang Bridge
For public services, all of the islands main road connecting the trans Barelang which include six jebatan large, namely: Tengku Fisabilillah bridges, Nara Lion Bridge II, King of Bridge Ali Hajj, Bridges Sultan Zainal Abidin, Tuanku Tambusai Bridge, and the King of the Small Bridge.
4. Nagoya
Visitors who have business and shopping destination, most choose to occupy the area of Nagoya and Live. In this also available berbintan hotels and entertainment venues.
5. Bintan
Angsana Resort & Spa Bintan, besides that, there is also a golf course.
6. Batamindo Industrial Area
Is one of the industry in the area of the Yellow Front - BATAM. Currently, the number of industries that are in this area about 80 industries.
Tourism in the Natuna Island
1. Cape coast
Tanjung is located in the coastal village of Tando, 18 kilometers or 30 minutes from the city Ranai become one destination for the residents of Subdistrict Bunguran East. Cape coast can be used to swim with the views of the beach is the South China Sea and Senoa Island is a small island located in Cape Coast, which has a 5 km2 with a wide distance using speed boat less than 20 minutes from the capital Subdistrict.
2. Stone Sindu
Sindu stone is located about 2 kilometers from the city Ranai Subdistrict Bunguran East. This location can be reached by land vehicles
3. The coast
The beach is located in the district of Serasan is a coastal district in the Natuna less than 7 kilometers and have known for white sand.
4. Water generations
Water generations is located approximately 4 kilometers from the capital Siantan Subdistrict. This waterfall have 7 level with the height of 100 meters from the surface of the sea and empty into the sea.
5. Coastal Padang restless
Padang Beach is located in the district of restless Jemaja long beach with less than 7 kilometers and is known as the white sand
6. Coral Reef Islands in the Anambas
Anambas Islands coral reefs have a very good and the potential for the development of nautical tourism, diving and Tennis Courts.
Island Tours in Penyengat
The island is still included in the group of Riau Islands has an area of 3.5 kilometers wide. This island hills, the land consists of sand mixed with gravel, while the sloping beach, muddy and supplemented by coral reefs. In between the island and Penyengat Tanjungpinang there is a passage width of about 1.5 kilometers, which can be reached by boat or motor boat, which called pompong.
Previously, the island is faced with the Rhode River estuary is always a dismissal of the sailors, especially for fresh water. Perhaps, the sailors are taking this kind of bees attacked mentioned wasp fall victim to the soul. These insects are considered sacred and the island called Pulau Penyengat and Indra Sakti. In further development of this island better known as the Island until Penyengat now.
Witness the island's history, berkecamuknya recorded during the war between the Kingdom of the Netherlands Riau (1782-1794 M), Island Penyengat be important stronghold. The king Dipertuan Muda Haji Riau IV (termashyur with the degree of King Haji Syahid Fisabilillah Marhum Bay Hamilton) led war with the Netherlands, bunker-establish bastion Kingdom Penyengat in Riau, namely in Bukit Penggawa, Bukit Tengah and Bukit seats. This fortresses equipped with a cannon-gun in various sizes.
In the days of the Sultan Mahmud Syah (1761-1812 M), when he married the daughter of King do Shri Haji Syahid Fisabilillah around 1,801 years old M, the island is submitted to the permaisurinya as dowry or dowry. Island Penyengat role is very important in the historical Kingdom of Riau, so that the island is relatively small this become famous and attract attention. In addition, there are still magazine warehouses, fortresses and trenches defense, in this island Penyengat there are still things historical past.
For example, the Kingdom of the heritage of Malay Riau-Lingga form of the remaining buildings Palace of the Sultan of Riau-Lingga, the tomb of King Ali Haji of Riau Malay Pujangga with famous Gurindamnya, the tomb of King Ja'far, and others. In the Penyengat Masjid Raya Island, which was built in 1882, there were also some historical collections such as the holy Al-Qur'an written and hands full of antique carved pulpit.
If you want a more refreshing landscaping, the eyes can be diverted to other object that is more interesting. As the scenery is quite beautiful, good at the beach or in the hills. You can also see the traditional villages of the population, Central Traditional arts and attractions. Island Penyengat not difficult to reach. It is near the city Tanjungpinang and transportation facilities that smoothly, giving it easy for you to visit
source: id.wikipedia.org, kadinkepri.com