- Lake Maninjau
- Lake Singkarak
- Lake Above and Below
- Anai Valley, Padang Panjang
- Panorama Canyon Sianok, Bukittinggi
- The Fort de Kock, Bukittinggi
- Time Gadang, Bukittinggi
- Air Manis Beach, Padang
- Muaro Beach, Padang
- Caroline Beach, Padang
- Palace Pagarruyung, Batusangkar
- Harau, Moranbah
- Gunuang Red and White, Hard Water
Minangkabau form of music instruments and songs from this region generally is the track. This is closely related to the structure of communities that have a sense of brotherhood, family and home favorite will be supported by the high customs go wanderers.
A classical dance tradition that comes from West Sumatra, which ditarikan by men and women generally have a movement active dynamic, but remain in the groove and a special order. This peculiarity is located on the principles of Minangkabau dance to the study of nature, because the dynamism of the movement dance-dance tradition Minang always typify elements of nature. The influence of Islam, the uniqueness of indigenous Matrilineality kebiasan wanderers and residents also provide greater influence in the life of a dance tradition Minangkabau.
Various traditional dances from West Sumatra include:
- Dance Piring
- Dance Umbrella
- Dance Randai
- Dance Pasambahan
- Dance Indang
The art of traditional dance from the Minangkabau pencak silat is a merging of dance and movement arts typical Minang. Pencak new in the Minangkabau have some flows, it flows between the tiger Kumango.Tarian this is usually taught to men in Minangkabau since a small step up to the age of legally Send (the age of 6 to 12 years) to be wanderers supplies.
West Sumatra traditional houses called House Gadang. Traditional houses of each original poles are not perpendicular but has a horizontal or slant. This is caused by the first people who came from the sea only know I make the ship. The design of the ship is followed in making a house. Traditional houses jugat not wear nail, but the wooden peg. This is because the West Sumatra region vulnerable to earthquakes, both vulkanik and tektonik. If dipasak with wood every earthquake there will be a stronger construction.
Disarmament is a traditional West Sumatra Keris. Keris usually used by men and placed in the front, while now only used for the bridegroom men. Various types of spear, sword length, chopsticks are also used by kings in the Minangkabau maintain themselves.
In the culinary world, West Sumatra cuisine with the famous restaurants and Padang Padang. Padang cuisine is famous for its spicy cuisine can be found in almost all corners of the archipelago, and can also be found abroad. Some examples of food from West Sumatra, which is very popular Rendang, Satay Padang, jerky Balado, Chicken Pop, Soto Padang, and pulp Kampiun.
Source: id.wikipedia.org