South Sumatra Province, since there is then also known as the Earth a beach; in the century-7 until the 12th century CE this region is the center of the Sriwijaya kingdom also known by the kingdom's largest maritime and terkuat in the archipelago. Resonance and influence even the Continent to
Since the 13 century to century-14, this region is under the authority of Majapahit. Furthermore, this region has become the region do not have a master and bersarangnya rover from International especially from the country china
In the early 15th century to the stands; Sultanate of Palembang in power until the arrival of Western colonialism, and was followed by
According to the inscription Kedukan Hill; found in 1926 that stated, the settlement called the beach, it was established on 17 June 683 CE. The date and a day so the city of
Tourism in the area of
Tourism is a natural Ranau Lake District Ogan communication Ulu, Musi Rawas, and Musi Banyuasin. Panorama beach, among other Parai Tenggini beach, beach mat on the
source: id.wikipedia.org