East Java provincial capital of Surabaya, has a broad area of 47,921 km2, is located at 7-8 degrees South Latitude and 111-111.5 degrees East Longitude. The population of 33,139,000 inhabitants (BPS 1990). Tribes that inhabit the area is Java, Madura, Tengger and Osing and several small tribes pandatang.
bjek tour of Mount Bromo is one of the very known by domestic and foreign tourists. See the sunrise and see kawahnya not the only option, because Mount Bromo (and the Mount Semeru) is the center of the Tengger National Park Area, which means that many more objects that can be witnessed in the complex.
As a plateau with a beautiful panorama, since the colonial era have been known as a Larkana health resort with the surname of Switzerland and Paris of the East Java. Evidenced by the large number of beautiful gardens and buildings of European architecture that until now still be maintained. The many interesting objects supported the complete facilities such as hotels, Travel, Shopping Center, the Bank, souvenir shop and Crafts made as Leicester City Tourism is ready to serve activities of domestic and foreign tourism.
Karapan Cattle in the form of Madura race interesting with a pair of cow train named Kleres, tenpat jockey standing and control the pair of cattle at the time fled compete quickly. Participants are bulls, brown skin, native Madura. Racing was held in August until mid-October, days a week, at 09:00 WIB. chalice that is direbutkan help the President Cup, where races in Multan district, Madura.
source: id.wikipedia.org